1. Beck, S., Wojdyla, D., Say, L., Betran, A.P., Merialdi, M., Requejo, J.H., Rubens, C., Menon, R. and Van Look, P.F., 2010. The worldwide incidence of preterm birth: a systematic review of maternal mortality and morbidity. Bulletin of the world health organization, 88, pp.31-38.
3. For this research to find this specific source I used keywords, I refined my search to narrow down the results and found the source I was looking for. This source provided the information I needed to further my research. When using keywords, it is important to include both single words and combinations of words, such as phrases. Additionally, it is helpful to use a variety of different words to describe the same concept, as this can help to uncover information that may have been overlooked by using just one or two words. Finally, using synonyms and other related terms can help to broaden the scope of the search and find more relevant results. By employing a keywords search strategy, the user can more easily find the information they are seeking in a timely manner. I refined my search to narrow down the results and found the source I was looking for. This source provided the information I needed to further my research.
4. The study "The worldwide incidence of preterm birth: a systematic review of maternal mortality and morbidity" is relevant to the study of maternal mortality as an SDG because it provides insights into the impact of preterm birth on maternal health outcomes. Understanding the incidence and consequences of preterm birth is crucial for developing effective strategies and interventions to reduce maternal mortality and improve maternal health as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
5. This can be seen from a few different aspects. Firstly, the authors of the article are all experts in their fields, with a combination of doctors, academics and researchers from around the world. Secondly, the article has been published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, which is a highly regarded journal with a strong reputation for accuracy and reliability. Finally, the article is a systematic review of preterm birth, which means that it was conducted using a rigorous methodology to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the findings. These three factors combined make it very clear that the article is a credible source of information.